
Mr. Vijay Bapna
Operations Management
He has an experience of over 42 years in Steel, Aluminum and Petrochemical sectors, and held senior positions in reputed companies like Ispat, Welspun Maxsteel, Reliance Jamnagar Refinery, Balco, Essar Steel Algoma.

Mr. Vikas Jain
Government Policy & Industrial Development
A post-grad from IIT Mumbai (1984) in Chemical Engineering, he has worked in a string of assignments in private and Government sector, focused on the promotion of industry investments and employment generation.

Mr. P.A. Amilkanthwar
Energy Management
Mr. Amilkanthwar is an Electrical Engineer and holds a qualification in Computer Applications. He is a Certified Energy Auditor and has an experience of more than 35 years in Operation and Maintenance of Power Plants.
Chief Advisor and team

CA Amit Bajaj
Chief Advisor
A Chartered Accountant and a Cost Accountant, he has experience of more than 20 years in the field of Business consultancy with an in-depth knowledge of establishment of systems, manufacturing facilities, statutory and regulatory matters.

Ms. Meenakshi Chowdhury
Operations Planning
Ms. Chowdhury, a post-graduate in commerce, is well versed in the best and latest accounting, taxation, HR, and operational practices. She heads the HR, Admin & Operations functions and is an expert in operational issues.

Ms. Prajakta Gadkari
Strategic Planning
Ms. Gadkari has experience of about 15 years in regulatory affairs and corporate laws in sectors like medical equipment, IT services, commodity exchange, agri-services, and power generation. Academically, she has completed degrees in Company Secretaryship and Law.

Ms. Nishi Soni
Compliance Services
Ms. Soni qualified as a Chartered Accountant and is heading the Accounts and Audit Section of the firm. She has wide experience in the finalization of accounts, Statutory audits, VAT audits, Internal audits & GST compliances. She also handles complex assessment proceedings, appeals cases before various tax authorities with complete ease and expertise.

Mr. Saurabh Khante
Energy Management
Mr. Khante is a qualified Engineer (Power Engineering) with a master’s degree in Energy Management, Auditing & Lighting (EMAL). He has experience of about 7 years in operations and electrical departments in the manufacturing industry.

Mr. Sinnarkar
Sr. Consultant
A post graduate in the Commerce area, Mr. Sinnarkar has more than 35 years of experience in the field of Land Acquisition, Land Allotments, Land Agreements, Land Transfer cases of MIDC, Writing Petitions in High Court & District Court

Mr. Tirpude
Sr. Consultant
Academically, Mr. Tirpude has completed M.Com, M.A. (Economics), and B.Ed. He has around 31 years of experience in the field of Industrial Scheme Loan cases, Industries PSI Subsidy work, EDTP Training, Resolving Industrial problems in IEM, LOI & various industrial documentations.
Key Associates

Mr. Rajwadkar is a Qualified Chartered Accountant, Insolvency Professional and Certified Forensic Auditor (ICAI) with a working experience of over 18 years. He specializes in the area of Debt Syndication, Stressed Assets Resolution and Alternative Investment Strategies.
CA Atul Rajwadkar
Insolvency & Bankruptcy Management

Mr. Kathane has over 24 years of experience in software industry. He specializes in designing and implementing innovative solutions for various manufacturing, distribution, packaging and auto-ancillary companies to help in shop-floor and supply chain operations. He has international exposure in managing projects in countries like India, Colombia, Malaysia, Peru, Philippines, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and USA.
Mr. Abhijit Kathane
Software Development & Supply Chain Management

Mr. Dad is an Electrical Engineer and holds a qualification in Computer Applications. He is a Certified Energy Auditor and a Technical Expert and has an experience of more than 35 years in power generation and steel sector.
Mr. Chandraprakash Dad
Energy & Electricity

Mr. Manoj Sharma is the founder of Texim Consultancy Services, a firm with expertise in handling foreign trade matters like export systems management, export documentation, DGFT licenses, and availing of export incentives.
Mr. Manoj Sharma
EXIM & Foreign Trade

Mr. Page is a Chartered Accountant by profession, with experience of about 20 years in the accounts field. Mr. Page is an expert in accounting compliances and GST. He has expertise in the subject matters like Direct & Indirect Taxes like Income Tax, VAT & GST, other taxation services, DGFT and EXIM work, and project finance services.
CA Mukund Pagey
Finance & Accounts

Dr. Lonkar is having master degree with Doctorate in environmental Chemistry (M.Sc., Ph.D) from University of Pune. He has more than 36 years of experience with in the field of Environment, Health and Safety area.
Dr. Sadashiv Lonkar
Environment, Health & Safety

Mr. Bokare is a senior architect working in this field since 1985 and is also a registered valuation expert. He has expertise in the subject matters relating to architecture, town planning and urban infrastructure development.
Arch. Suhrud Bokare
Architecture & Urban Development